Texan‘s prepare themselves for arrival of the HEILand

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Texan‘s prepare themselves for arrival of the HEILand

Houston, USA.
The good people of Texas, mainly farmers, are full of excitement in expectation of the arrival of the HEILand from the GDR.
The man from Martin - Luther- King Stadt, the City which is famous for its 95 Bachelor- thesis, wants to make Texas great (again). He benefits from
his extensive historical knowledge about war and from his German origin, a country which is famous for its history of successful war- and immigration strategies. The hopes of the good people of Texas (mainly farmers) are also that he will complete the building of the wall to Mexico within 2 days from his arrival, due to his experience with the construction of the Berlin Wall which successfully separated Germany from 1961-89.

The arrival of Beer Force One is expected for Thursday next week.

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